Thursday, June 19, 2008

Musings of a mad mind - 2

I was wondering while i was riding to some place this morning if while blogging one had some strict patterns to adhere to and then it struck as being one of the most dreadful ponderings and i'm pretty sure you know why!!!!

I was cribbing about school yesterday and today they do something unimaginable.. I got a cheque from them, for something i did for the school no doubt, but i hardly expected them to be this generous. I guess they have rated me higher than what i rated them. For this i'm certainly grateful for they have given me the confidence that pursuing a career in the field of sports may not be a bad idea for me and I guess a few more pointers in this direction and i will have my path paved.

My mum's just calling me for lunch and I'm going to go and eat, so i guess i will be writing more later today.. until then..


Nikhil said...

Ms. Aarti you write really well...Keep blogging n hv fun....I guess you under value yourself in your blogs which i dont think you should do....


Unknown said...

Am touched. And cried too. You are a wonderful writer (and friend). Always told you that. Continue blogging and start writing as a profession.