Thursday, June 26, 2008

Musings of a mad mind - 4

Now where was I with my memories of college..

I dont remember but thats not significant. I think when i was into my second week of college I realised that i had two of students from my class who lived pretty close to my place. One of them i have forgotten the name, but the other one is someone i cant forget, Jayashree. If it werent for her and paddu i doubt i would have cleared my degree examination!!! :)

What they did for me can never be measured nor can they be thanked sufficiently. Not once did they crib about doing all the class stuff for me, while i was busy playing cricket and playing the fool more importantly.

When i was in class (which was ONLY during my first year of college) I was a royal pain in the arse. I never stopped questioning the lecturers. I guess they didnt like being grilled in their subject, because they seldom had answers :). I was as usual a last bencher. I had to add to my already existing personality assumption of being a 'Dhadha' by sitting ther... I somehow didnt manage to get a grip of the subjects and i decided not to hold on too much, which is when i decided to play cricket on a regular basis.

I dont recall much of what happened in class, for reasons that are quite obvious by now and so i dont think i can dwell on it much.

But yes, there is something i have to mention.. my SIZE..
For those who know me now they will not relate to they way i used to look then, I was FAT!!! Thats an understatement of the century. The look i had when i stepped into college, might have made some wonder if i were a student or a lecturer and the second choice would have been a clear winner for the answer. :)

But the story became quite the oppsite after our first year break. May 1999, I changed completely, looks wise and i guess that also made me change in more ways than i think it did.

I have often thought about it and now the picture seems to get a little clearer.

There is more to losing 15kg than just looks. It also changes ones personality and the way others look at you.

I have some chores to do now. But i sure will love to write the rest of my life post May 1999.
Cheers until then!!! :)

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