Thursday, June 19, 2008

Musings of a mad mind - 2(cont.)

I'm making it sound like this is Dhoom 4 :) but i guess there is more continuity to my writing atleast.

As I was saying, VM made me feel big today and thats made my day and considering yesterday didnt go too well for me, this was certainly a pleasant break.

My mind is like a boiling pot of milk, sometimes bubbling with loads of joy, anger, sadness and every conceivable feeling. But for most part of it, its in simmer mode, reasonably calm and accepting.

But this very mind at college was a joyous one always. No responsibilities, not much answerability and loads of time to just have fun. Thats exactly how i spent my most beautiful 3 years in Ethiraj college. From the day i stepped into that place, i knew i had my bearings in place and that over oiling would not be required.

Talking about feeling so much at home in Ethi takes me back to be first 7 days of Hell in another place called Stella (This is entirely my feeling about Stella, I have actually known a few people to succeed and do well in life after coming out of that wreck of a place?!?)

Stella to me was a torture chamber and i dont think for the one week i was there, i breathed oxygen, it was that claustrophobic. But having managed to sit there for a week made me realise that the only form of discipline that i was going to adhere to was, SELF DISCIPLINE.

I came back home one day after college and cried to my mother and begged her to take me out, she accepted but only if i did a subject of her choice in the next college i went to. I conceded to that too. (She wanted me to pursue a BSc in Mathematics :) )

So, then came a lovely sunny morning when i got all geared up to leave the hell hole and voila there was yet another person sitting under yet another tree wanting to leave that college on the very same grounds as i did!!!! (This world did have sensioble people afterall)

And do you know what, that person whom i met under that lovely tree in that ill fated place is my best friend till date and shall always be more than that for the rest of my life, my dearest Uru. The gem that i will cherish for an entire lifetime.

We got along so well and were so happy being with each other that day, it made us feel really close. Its one in a million times that these things happen and its not without reason i guess. My mind vividly remembers the time when we both giggled our way across the road to have some paper photo copied, holding each others hands and coming back only to be chided by our respective mothers for behaving like kids. We were kids then, just 17 and right out of school. What was also funny was how we both said by to out former principal (we had our TC's by then) from under the door and laughed for that too. No one could have seen two happier faces that day.

I guess tomorrow is when i will start my journey with college life and its going to be a long and happy one for me. Happy writing for me and reading for others who might read it!!!!


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