Tuesday, June 17, 2008

musings of a mad mind- 1

only yesterday did my fiance put in a thought in my ever dull mind.. why not blog about whatever happened at college, school and maybe even one of the best innigs i've played.

as far as the last one goes, seriously i'm yet to play something significant and memorable. I have scored a state level century but that has not been a satisfactory innings. I guess thats primarily because my team failed to qualify for the nationals that year and therefore the runs have no significance.

school to me was not the most enjoyable or memorable part of my life. I spent 12 years in the same school but when i think about it today, i realise that the time spent went by without any emotion attached to it. 12 years is a long time and yet the school has left a void and its something that can never be filled.

i cant comprehend as to why i feel this way. I had the respect of my peers and teachers alike. I was this typical sincere hard working( a quality that has lasted till date, thankfully!!!) student. But i think of myself more as an impulsive person who has many things to offer, but i did none of that in school. yet days, months and years went by without too many apprehensive days.

when i recollect those days, i dont see exciting times. I dont remember how often i've felt like just being at school, not ever wanting to leave. Hardly one day or not even that perhaps. yet, i still have some of my dearest friends from school.

at school i was the sports secretary ( a post that has refused to leave me even in college) but that came because in a school like VM if someone could actually make a concerted effort to run fast then we had leadership qualities, very flimsy reasons indeed. But then it gave me a sense of pride that for a change academics were not the criteria behind holding this particular post.

I can go on rambling about school but i would rather talk of college where i discovered myself. But thats for later....... :)

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