Sunday, July 13, 2008

Life After The Engagement

Hours of speaking on the phone.. Million messages.. Mushy Talk..

This is what is associated with life after being engaged, isn't it?

Nikhil and I differ big time. We do talk, but for minutes. More often than not the call hardly goes past 5 minutes. The longest we talk will be at night and that too will be on an average for ten minutes. We wonder as to how people keep on chatting. Maybe we have understood each other sufficiently well and the need to talk over the phone is not essential!!!!

I wonder whether the fault lies with me, but this is not a fault, its just the way we are. I'm not the most expressive person (barring my wild temper!!!) but that does not mean i care any less. I infact care quite a bit about the people, its just that when it comes to telling them, I hold back. This is only me thinking out loud for us not being the usual lovey dovey couple.

But both our families completely disagree with us. We are branded as one of the most romantic couples on whom they have set their eyes upon and the only look that Nikhil and I have on our faces is that of a blank one. Are we really like that?!?!?! If we are then GREAT!!!!

Coming to whether I have changed post engagement is a question that i wish to pose to others. The few changes that i have noticed about myself are, one, i care about the way i dress. I dont deck myself and all that but I do ensure that my dress is not the ususal t-shirt and frayed jeans. Frayed jeans have stayed but other forms of dressing have also been accepted by my internal self. Thats a positive according to me.

Well the other thing is my answerability has increased. We take alot for granted with parents. Love and affection is assumed to be available in plenty and also we tend to think a mistake is always forgiven but now its not just one set of parents that I'm answerable to, I have another family and I cant take a few things for granted here. Got to exercise some restraint. My parents are certainly very pleased with that progress in me and so am I.

Nothing else has changed, I THINK. But if has, I would like those close to me let me know. (Nikhil you may not be able to say too many things because you know me as I am today, but if you have noticed something the please feel free to share it :)

But the most important thing is I am not going to change just because I have written about not being what other couples are like. I guess both of us like it this way and are most comfortable. So I'm sorry to all those who expected alot of romance, you wont understand the way Nikhil and I connect, from within.

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