Thursday, July 17, 2008

Days of Never Ending Sleep

The camp organised by TNCA started this monday and ever sionce that happened, my days have been occupied predominantly by just two activities. One is playing cricket for almost 6 hours a day (which is one thing that i love most) and the other one is sleep.

As much as I love the game and playing it night and day, I dont like the fact that I get tired and end up sleeping both during the day and early in the night. While most of those who practice, yearn for this sleep, because some of them get back to work, I somehow dont approve of it much. When I was relatively younger I never slept after practice, instead I would be ready to go out and have fun. But I guess age is catching up with me too. :) But the enthusiasm thankfully remains and I guess thats the most important aspect. Thats what keeps me going despite a whole lot of problems that I have to face internally and once in a way from the outside world.

Anyway, since its the norm that sleep is the best form of recovery I will do it because if it is going to help me play longer then I will do whatever it takes to keep playing on and on and on and on and on.............

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