Saturday, July 26, 2008

Second Week of Cricket

When cricket starts everything else takes a backseat. That is both good and bad. For instance this is only the second time in two weeks that i have realised that i wanted to blog.

At home both parents and friends alike used to complain that when Cricket practice or matches start then there is a paradigm shift in the other activities I do. But this situation has currently changed, and this time its not because I was any less involved, but my friends and parents have become equally busy :) This does save me from all the lectures that i would have received if they noticed the hours I dont spend at home.

There is a certain level of commitment that I expect with reference to cricket from me and as much as I think I should not worry about how others in the team take, I cant stop myself from getting irritated in the obvious lack of commitment and interest. I have enough people telling me that I should not let others bother me, but just doesnt work. By nature I need to keep talking to my colleagues and discuss improvement in myself and others too. But the past week has been a rather quiet one for me at the ground. I have forced myself to keep mum to all the nonsense that happens around me and it is becomeing exceedingly difficult and so this blog today is like a mini confession of the chances of my losing my temper in the last week of practice. God please forgive if I say real nasty words to those who richly deserve it.

Hoping that things dont go out of proportion, I sign off..... :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Days of Never Ending Sleep

The camp organised by TNCA started this monday and ever sionce that happened, my days have been occupied predominantly by just two activities. One is playing cricket for almost 6 hours a day (which is one thing that i love most) and the other one is sleep.

As much as I love the game and playing it night and day, I dont like the fact that I get tired and end up sleeping both during the day and early in the night. While most of those who practice, yearn for this sleep, because some of them get back to work, I somehow dont approve of it much. When I was relatively younger I never slept after practice, instead I would be ready to go out and have fun. But I guess age is catching up with me too. :) But the enthusiasm thankfully remains and I guess thats the most important aspect. Thats what keeps me going despite a whole lot of problems that I have to face internally and once in a way from the outside world.

Anyway, since its the norm that sleep is the best form of recovery I will do it because if it is going to help me play longer then I will do whatever it takes to keep playing on and on and on and on and on.............

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Life After The Engagement

Hours of speaking on the phone.. Million messages.. Mushy Talk..

This is what is associated with life after being engaged, isn't it?

Nikhil and I differ big time. We do talk, but for minutes. More often than not the call hardly goes past 5 minutes. The longest we talk will be at night and that too will be on an average for ten minutes. We wonder as to how people keep on chatting. Maybe we have understood each other sufficiently well and the need to talk over the phone is not essential!!!!

I wonder whether the fault lies with me, but this is not a fault, its just the way we are. I'm not the most expressive person (barring my wild temper!!!) but that does not mean i care any less. I infact care quite a bit about the people, its just that when it comes to telling them, I hold back. This is only me thinking out loud for us not being the usual lovey dovey couple.

But both our families completely disagree with us. We are branded as one of the most romantic couples on whom they have set their eyes upon and the only look that Nikhil and I have on our faces is that of a blank one. Are we really like that?!?!?! If we are then GREAT!!!!

Coming to whether I have changed post engagement is a question that i wish to pose to others. The few changes that i have noticed about myself are, one, i care about the way i dress. I dont deck myself and all that but I do ensure that my dress is not the ususal t-shirt and frayed jeans. Frayed jeans have stayed but other forms of dressing have also been accepted by my internal self. Thats a positive according to me.

Well the other thing is my answerability has increased. We take alot for granted with parents. Love and affection is assumed to be available in plenty and also we tend to think a mistake is always forgiven but now its not just one set of parents that I'm answerable to, I have another family and I cant take a few things for granted here. Got to exercise some restraint. My parents are certainly very pleased with that progress in me and so am I.

Nothing else has changed, I THINK. But if has, I would like those close to me let me know. (Nikhil you may not be able to say too many things because you know me as I am today, but if you have noticed something the please feel free to share it :)

But the most important thing is I am not going to change just because I have written about not being what other couples are like. I guess both of us like it this way and are most comfortable. So I'm sorry to all those who expected alot of romance, you wont understand the way Nikhil and I connect, from within.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Vague Thoughts

I decided that i was going to blog today but there is nothing cohesive in my mind and in my life at the moment. Everything is hazy and i'm not able to form a clear picture of how tomorrow will be.

I have often been faced with this kind of a situation simply because i have not worked in an organised environment for most part of my life post education. Work gets you into a sort of scheduled life. I know that tomorrow would be certain. But maybe thats also why i have not been able to settle down to work in an office.

I like it when tomorrows are filled with surprises, unanticipated moves and exciting activities. Monotony bogs me down. (But the monotony of playing is blissful. I can never get bored of it.)

To me life is full of surprises and blind curves that challenge not just the body and mind but also the soul. Involvement is of utmost importance. Even if I were to drink water i'd like to be involved in doing that activity... I know that i'm taking it kind of too far but I guess you get my point.

But what irritates me is that I am not doing what i want to do for a living. I have always felt that there are very few jobs that touch the heart in ways beyond expression. Journalism is one of them. Sometimes i regret not having bitten my teeth through my Pune fiasco. I would have made it big somewhere by now. But I would have lost out on Cricket and i guess I just couldn't do it then.

However i have now realised that i must pursue my career in a place of my interest, fitness and training. This again is something that will help make others lives better and that way make them appreciate the joys of living a healthy life!!!! :) I would love to make that small difference in someones life, it would mean alot to me and that I'm sure of.

Anyway, considering the number of turns my life has taken till date, not forgetting the turns that i have to manage through the day, I'm only hoping i live up to my expectation of myself...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Musings of a Mad Mind - 6

One of the most important memories of my college life was that of hanging around in our canteen. Not just for the yumm food there but also for the racket that we created everytime we put our feet there.

The entire process of team building is best learnt from the then Ethiraj College Women's cricket team. We used to have breakfast, luch and our parting evening snack together. We relished it more simply because there were so many of us to share everything with.

Our college had this custom of parting with five rupee coupons for their over rated sports persons (us inluded) and although there were totally just three or four items on the menu that matched our coupon amount, we all would combine our coupons(Including the tokens for those who failed to attend practice)and manage to have more than just a wholesome breakfast.

We all would invariable have the breakfast for the day, which would be either dosa (butter dosa, onion dosa, plain being the options) kichidi, pongal or puri. There would be atleast 3 forms of dosa on the table and everyone would manage to get their hands on a maximum of two pieces!!! This would be followed by Chilly cheese toast and club sandwich. After this would be the coffees, tea or fruit juices. Now, this might seem normal to all but imagine a group of 12 or 13 girls, very noisy ones at that, all wanting to eat everything and yet happy just to get a mouthful and letting out giggles, laughter and sometimes howls (cos someone would have missed out on one particular item).It was not like we were the only ones in the canteen, but we would be oblivious to our surroundings, simply because we were larger in number and hence appeared more powerful to the on lookers.

There is no doubting who would have made the maximum noise, MOI, and all for asking the others to lower their voices. None would oblige and i would join the bandwagon, giving up dreams of pretending to be the good one!!!!!

As a team we had to time our lunch to perfection. One we had to avoid the crowd, two the lecturers who knew that we should be attending classes instead of sitting in the canteen and three, most important, not to have luch too close to pracice hours.

College's official lunch time was 11.14 to 11.45. So that was the easy part. We would have had our sumptous breakfast only by 9.30 and so the first part was dealt with easily. The next part of our luch timing was to avoid nosey lecturers and although i make it sound like it was a massive task, it was easy, actually the teachers made it easy for us. We realised that the lecturers hardly knew us and so we went about our lunch business unnoticed.

The most common menu for lunch on most days (except fridays) was parota or veg stuffed parota with PBM (Paneer Butter Masala) or Gobi Manchurian. Imagine mixing tandoori with chinese.... it was AWESOME!!!!! There also used to be tomato rice, veg rice or veg biryani as a part of everyday menu.

The exception to Friday from our standard menu was because we had the best ever Sambar Sadam with Poriche Apalam. It was out of the world. The taste of that still lingers in my mouth. There used to be such a rush to get our hands on it. Friday was probably the one day in the week where we used to have an early lunch because sambar sadam was up for grabs only during the half hour lunch break.

The post evening practice times are one of the best. Not more than a handful at college, the canteen all to ourselves and the very relaxed owners of the canteen would be happy to entetain us, maybe because we would help them in polishing off whatever was left behind for the day!!!! :)

Apart from the thrice a day meals at collge, Urmi and myself entertained ourselves rather frequently to two other personal favourites, BAR ONE AND GRAPE KUCHI (as we fondly addressed it). BAR ONE was the best chocolate of those days, according to us. I somehow had the mood for it anytime in the day and as my partner was a sweet lover i didnt have to ask her more than once. So we were partners in sweet crime.

I must not forget to mention one more important purchase from the canteen.. the all important and life saviour SPLASH. I dont know how many would know about this candy like thing. Urmi's frequent fainting spells were handled effectively by Splash. It was almost like i was hoarding it. At any given point of time there would be ten of them in my bag, and that didnt stop me from replenishing my stock everyday :)

As far as the grape kuchi goes..hmmm.. dont know if i should say this but anyway.. this is the history behind it. This grape stick was a mass of grape syrup on ice, made by a icecream company SIVITHA!!!!!! It was toooooo good. It would leave our tongues purple and asking for more. But apart from our individual binges, would be this massive team lick. I cant imagine how we did it then, but atleast 6 of us would have that one single grape kuchi and sometimes a few more would join the lick :)

Unforgettable days those, unforgettable memories and the most wonderful moments of our lives. Will they ever come back????? No would be my guess, but what the hell.. maybe there is something better waiting for me and all of us from the college canteen...............

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Power of The Early Morn...

I have very often been asked, why the hell do you wake up early in the morning when you can enjoy sleeping and staying in your dreamland.

But i ask myself, dont I have to wake up to make sure my dream comes through!!! Only recently did i get this forward on my mobile, its a quote from De. Kalam, "Dreams are not what one gets when they sleep, but are ones which does not let a man sleep"

I wake up early to fulfil those dreams, quite literally, because i need to go for practice in the morning and the more i practice with sincerity, I can hope to achieve my dreams. But let me be honest, I do all my routine nowadays only cos i love it, I dont see myself fulfilling my dream and yet i will work just as hard because that alone gives me happiness and satisfaction. :) (Nikhil dont think am being pessimistic, just practical!!!!)

The other thing that makes early morning special is the fresh air that we get into our systems, rejuvenating us from within. It makes my mind calm and gives me the time alone that i need for the day.

Just imagine the tranquility that silence can bring in a day otherwise filled with noise and dirt (both to the ear and body). These are just somethings that make my day. There have hardly been days when i have thought about sleeping late, it just doesnt interest me. My colleagues and friends otherwise think of me as being wierd, but all i can tell them is, try what i do and let me see if you all can feel a difference in your day. But i'm also sure that most of them would probably come up to me and say that the only difference in the day was the fact that they felt sleepy for the remainder of the day. :)

I guess the reason i am writing about the powers of early rising is because I just love it and just as people write about planting trees, not using plasic and all that i'm writing about rising early.

This might thought of waste of time by many, but what the hell, its my blog and i'm writing what i want to write about. I'm sorry this is what i wanted for today. Please forgive me my dear friend and fiance. (Both great lovers of sleeping late and haters of early mornnig risers :) Love you both for being the exact of opposite for what I'm, guess thats the spice of life!!!!!!)