Monday, August 31, 2009

Ganpati Bappa Morya!!

These resounding words communicate the depth of love that the people in Mumbai share for this most adorable deity. In fact, goose bumps are a sure thing when one hears it from even a small group, for it comes straight from the gut.

This Saturday, which is the 7th day of the function and hence Visarjan, Nikhil and I decided to venture out. We chose a direction will be least crowded and we succeeded as far as traffic goes. But what captured our hearts was the kind of 'Bhakti' that we saw. Men, women and children, barefeet walk along with their deity to immerse Him in water. Ganesha is given a royal send off with people singing and rejoicing. They probably know, He is gone now but will be back next year and maybe they will give Him a grander send off.

I have half a mind of going on the 11th day of the Visarjan, the most special day, and watch from the sidelines of any beach, everything that happens. I am sure it will be the grandest thing I have seen, in relation to God. In Chennai too immersion happens but it is not even 1/10th of what one might witness here. They call that a crowd, then what say of the millions who are likely to be milling on all roads. No swine flu is going to keep them away, for they know that their Bappa will take good care of them. That is the faith that people have.

There have been many reports of how Ganpati and Ramzan celebrations have been happening side by side. Although it has been happening for centuries now, the need to mention it specially now is probably because of all the tension surrounding our dear country. 26/11 is fast approaching its one year anniversary and we are struggling to accept the harm that it has done to our psyche. Maybe Ganpati will provide answers with his immersion. Are we to immerse all hatred too, is there a lesson to be learnt?

All I say do is join in the chorus and proudly say Ganpati Bappa Morya!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Change in the way we think..

I went on a trip to London recently and as crazy I am about this country, India, I had to admit the logic behind people not returning back to their homeland after having worked or having had extended stays in countries such as UK, USA and other such places. So what makes it nice to be there, that is not here?? Well, the first thing that hits you, whether you've been there for 10 days, 1 month or however long, is how clean those countries are!! When we see garbage strewn all around us and we seem oblivious to it!!??!! How is that possible? By closing our nostrils for the moment we pass a garbage bin or by closing our eyes or most importantly, by closing our minds to it we wish to eliminate the truth of the constant stench surrounding us. No amount of room fresheners or agarbathis can freshen our polluted minds. We need to see all around us and feel sorry for the condition we live in. But instead, we are proud of it and showcase our slums to the world and end up making a movie out of it too. The second factor that appeals to the visitor is the fact that we as pedestrians are given utmost importance. Well, a huge truck waits for you to cross at the zebra crossing and that too with a smile on the face of the driver. You feel importnt crossing the road and makes you feel like how David would have felt when he defeated Goliath!! Whereas here, even when we have the right to cross, a motorcyclist would break the signal, hit us, cuss at us and then move on like we have stolen him of his few precious moments on earth!! But we move on, like thats how its meant to be. Don't get me wrong here and think that I have lost my fanaticism over India, thanks to a ten day honeymoon, no, thats not it. My question is, why cant we be like them and be proud of it. Its not sufficient if the world's financial markets envy us, we need to be proud of what and who we are. We can also have a clean country with law abiding citizens. How? By making a small change in the minds of us, educated people. If we try to do the simple things right and teach just one more person, we can make a difference. It is not impossible, its achievable and also within our lifetime. Those is in a position of power need to start working on making laws that people can understand and wont go out of the way to find loopholes. For instance, if crossing the STOP line is a fault, then start fining even the government buses, this will help the common man understand his liability too. As far as zebra crossings go, remember that our roads are filthy and black an white lines are impossible to see. Lets not ape the colour of the zebra, call it anything else and make it bright yellow or green, which everyone can see and would probably be scared to cross!! Lets start respecting ourselves as living beings first and try to improve our quality of life then I am sure our neighbours too would want the same for us and from there on there is only one way for us...and my guess is as good as yours.. :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Change in attitude

The women have gone where the men didnt.. Well I am talking about the T20 World Cup thats going on. The Indian women's team (which I always hoped I would be a part off but that obviously didnt happen) played its semifinal against New Zealand and lost, rather badly I must add. There are times that we women are grateful that we dont have as much publicity as the men and yesterday was certainly one of those grateful days.

I am not an exponent of winning all matches that are played. I am infact practical enough to admit that its not possible win every match you play, be it men or women. But what is in our hands is to play 'like you want to win'. Now, that attitude can get you going and that way even if you lose you know you were beaten because the other team was better but not because your team was bad.

But can I say that of yesterday's match???? I really wonder if they were too over rawed by the magnanimity of the situation, being seen by millions of people perhaps, the women are not used to it!! Or am I making up reasons for them???

For a person who has been associated with the game for ten years and I have put my heart and soul into this game, I look deeper for reasons and the only one that comes to my mind is, did the Women's team give up even before they started palying the match? Had they lost even without the first ball being bowled? But why should they, for the New Zealand women too mustt have been under pressure? It is a big match and the anxiety levels are bound to be high for both teams alike. But apparently, the Indian women just couldn't handle it. Can we pass on the blame to others or will that not get us anywhere?

Let me think out loud, the Indian team was selected based on a few practice matches that were played between 30 cricketers chosen by the selectors. There arent too many playing the game, but are these the country's best 30 cricketers? I dont think so, there is more talent than what was put before us. There was no 20-20 domestic tournament that was played, maybe we could have unearthed some raw talent most useful for this format of the game.

We live in a country where temperatures are rocketing and we go a few days ahead of our scheduled practice matches to a country which has never seen temperatures of 30 C. So women dont have to get acclimatised to the conditions??? Beats me...

Well lots can be said of our loss but lingering in the past wont help, we need to look into the future. Wat can we do, without expecting too much from the system? We can change our mindset, thats a controllable factor and thats like hitting the nail on the head. We need to start believing in ourselves more and then we can achieve. This is not an overnight change but a gradual one that can be achieved with perseverence.

If anyone begs to differ please do let me know!!! ;)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Woman Power

The first 'Woman Speaker' has been unanimously elected today!!!

It is indeed a wonderful moment in the history of the Indian Parliament and the country as a whole, a monumental moment infact. When the Supreme Courts are still mulling over reasons as to why the incidents of dowry-related deaths are on the increase, we have a woman, who is leading a house of 552 members, most of them being men and will be controlling the affairs of the biggest household in the country, the house of politics and governance. That is indeed a marvellous achievement.

I am not feminist, but I take great pride in the success of women and the assurance with which women are taking bold steps towards excelling in every posible avenue. When opportunities are presented women have taken it and have come out succesful and yet have never been given their due worth. Maybe Ms. Meira Kumar being elected the Speaker will change this situation. I dont know how, but maybe this will give the women of this country to get bolder and more forceful with expressing their opinions and thereby bring about positive changes in the place that we live in.

Many might say, "Why the President of our country is a woman? Why cant women draw inspiration from her?". Well we all know the reality, dont we. Even a man as a President is nothing more than the theoritical head of the state. Its like in the movies, when the key to the house and its treasure are handed over to the lady of the house, but to open the doors, permission ought to be given by the 'other sex'.

But thats not the way for a Spaeker of the Lok Sabha. They hold power, which one can understand if they go through the Constitution of this country. To quote, "It has been said of the office of the Speaker that while the members of Parliament represent the individual constituencies, the Speaker represents the full authority of the House itself. He/She symbolises the dignity and power of the House over which he/she is presiding. Therefore, it is expected that the holder of this office of high dignity has to be one who can represent the House in all its manifestations." This perhaps exemplies the honour, power and responsibility that this post holds. Party affiliations and personal choices cannot come in the way of a decision a Speaker intends to take and to me, to comprehend that a woman has this power, and therefore more responsibility, is certainly a moment of supreme joy and pride.... Jai Hind!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

My heart and soul is here, in India...Always

First let me tell you that my parents have been on a two month long vacation to the US and that might have been a real good thing for them, but their unrelenting comparisons to what we have in India to what they got in the US can be quite funny sometimes and annoying some other times to all those listening.

Last year my parents and I went on a pilgrimage and we were accompanied by two of our family friends who just then returned from the US and we were constantly made to hear their constant parallels drawn and how unparalled the US is!!! My father was visibly annoyed, but now I guess he understands them better and they might be quite keen on forming the US Fan Club.

On a more serious note however I must say I am concerned about the magnetic pull that US has over people. We have long spoken about the 'brain drain' from India and its shift towards the West. Think about it, if my parents, who have lived 60 years of their lives in India amidst the drudgery, politics, pollution, corruption and what not, can be so pulled towards every aspect of that country then why wont our younger generation be motivated by the prospect of living in better conditions.

Let me also tell you that I'm too much of an Indian and I think that there is no place like home and so when people praise US to the sky I find it rather difficult to digest. I wish everyday that I can somehow make a difference in a small way towards India being enviable by the Western world as they are to us now. Can I, the true Indian, make India that way.

Atleast we should make a concerted effort in developing small pockets rather than the whole. I always think of how I can make India better. I have ideas, plans to make my ideas work, but is there someone with more power than just the willpower to make this happen. I intend to search for such people because where else but India can we find people who will come forward to help fully knowing you are neither family nor friend? Where else but India will relatives open their doors wide even when we havent made an appointment to visit them and still more have the heart to cook a wonderful meal for uninvited guests? Where else but India will you find resilience even from the most uneducated and oppressed people? Where else but in India can a foreign director come and make a movie on our poverty and yet show how successful poverty can make us and win the black statutte!!!!

I will forever honour India and stand by her through all her ups and downs. I know I might be one but I have the heart of a million. God Bless India!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

IPL and After

The last blog I wrote was when Bangalore Royal Challengers were losing, but what happened on 24th May made it mandatory that I re-write somethings out here while they have re-written their fate out on the field.

Deccan Chargers won but to me Kumble and his men will be the better team. I have always admired Kumble for his hardwork and sincerity towards the game. While many of his peers have got alot of recognition, he has gone about his work silently and successfully and today with the same silence he has brought back a team from the ashes to life, if that ever was possible!!!

IPL and its future:

The IPL governing body are seriously considering the possibility of hosting this event twice a year, the main one in India and a smaller scale IPL abroad. They sure are going to make alot of money but do they ever think of the players. Just because players are being paid money they cant be treated like bonded labour. They have a very taxing international calender and to add to that this money making business!!!! The ICC should oppose this move if they are in their right senses, but guess what, their brains have been placed in a rather inconvenient part of the body making it difficult for them to be rational. Afterall it is the BCCI which gives them the funds to run the show.

The question that arises in my mind now is, will the players oppose this move? Can money override international commitments and pride of playing for the country? Will they be bold enough to stand up to Modi & Co and tell them that they are human and not machines? Do you know what I think, they wont stand up, because this is business to them and profits are the only reason businesses run. So as long as the human machine works, providing for depreciation of course,this business of cricket will go on....

Monday, April 27, 2009

IPL - Change in Guard

The IPL fanfare has begun and somehow to me it hasn't been the same as last year. Change in venue is not the issue but the fact that what was meant to be a fun (but money filled event) has turned out to be very very very commercial.

The commercial aspect has been a part of this huge event but not the way its being done this time. The fact the teams are winning to garner publicity even if it means negative methods is catching on real fast. KKR leading the way for this. In the process they have forgotten to win!!! I thought SRK wanted to go to Kolkatta in an open bus with the streets filled with cheering fans, that aint gonna happen until players start letting their bat and ball speak instead of testing their vocal chords..

The next team that seems to be perennially in the limelight (for losing!!) are the Royal Challengers. I actually feel sorry for Vijay Mallaya, because he pins his hopes on a losing cause (be it cricket or F1!) but his spirit is certainly the Winner here.

Chennai Superkings, boy are they drawing flak from even people who hardly follow the game. Why bother calling it the Chennai Superkings when you have just two players from Chennai playing. Maybe another rule can be imposed in the team composition from next year, that being the inclusion of minimum 5 domestic players who havent represented the country. After all this is a 'domestic tournament'!!!!

Preity Zinta and Shilpa Shetty seem to be getting a hang of this game quite alright although its quite funny to see some of their reactions. :)

The one team which is going about its work professionally are the Deccan Chargers. Its not easy going from the bottom right to the top. It comes only with commitment and hardwork. One of the reasons I thnk they seem tobe doing well is because all the BIG BIG names that they had last year are absent this tiime and thats lending the right balance to the team. Gilchrist is leading a pack of ordinary cricketers who will listen to what he has to say, whereas last year VVS had all high profile players who were very big in their league, which meant that getting theor attention to perform for the team was going to be a daunting task, make that impossible.

Delhi daredevils have also been going about their job quietly and I guess there is a thing or two to learn from that.

These views of mine come from being a true fan of the game. The vagaries and eccentricities that this game offers is incomparable and so my emotions run high when I feel tat things are going amock with the game I love.....

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Holding our heads high

This saturday Nikhil and I finally managed to drag ourselves out of our abode and ventured into a part of Mumbai that never ceases to amaze me. In fact, everytime I've been to Colaba or Marine drive(and I've been there maybe 4 to 5 times) I cant stop myself from wondering if this really was the way Mumbai used to be maybe a 100 years back!! The beauty in the buildings and roads command a silent respect for itself and I'm sure no other part of this great city can ever be tis way.

Well we went to the Gateway of India and although I'm not too appreciative of the reason for it was built (no one really cares about my appreciation now, do they?!?!?!?!)I have to admit that it was really nice. The statue to Shivaji ( The Maratha Warrior) standing right opposite the Gateway made me think of the resistance he would have provided against the so called mighty British.

But what struck me and maybe everyone who was there was the new fight that the Indians are up against. The terrorists who brought this brave city to a standstill. The way we look at 'The Taj' has changed forever. Its resilience stood out among everything else. Those working at the gates of the Taj certainly had a cautious look about them. Every vagrant was looked with suspicion, so were the well dressed ones and who can blame them for feeling this way. Their personal territory was invaded, friends were killed and there is nothing that anyone can do to change their memory of 26/11 and we shouldn't expect that either. I looked at with awe and pride. My thoughts went to the people who were there that ill fated day. Why did any of this happen? Questions shall never cease to go through our minds and the solutions may never be satisfying. But we've come out of it, not entirely unscathed but with dignity.

This was my country, a country that many thought were weak, but we proved them all wrong, didnt we? We've been hit so many times but we refuse to fall and we'll never fall. The power of a billion is still unexplored and the day we all feel the inner implosion, we'll all see the change. No one will be able to come anywhere close to us. The world shall look in awe and we'll walk away with our heads held aloft!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Breach of Trust

Lots of fervour about the terrorist attack on the Sri Lankan cricketers and why not? Its not everyday that sportpersons face the brunt of extremists. In fact, the faith that sports unites people of different races, cultures, countries, languages etc. has just been disturbed. One may wonder, whats so special about cricketers that an attack on them is generating as much noise as it has been over the past 3 days. To me its just one thing, trust has been breached, the trust that Sri Lankan players had. I guess for them its a similar emotion too, after all Australia was willing to forego its points in the '96 World Cup and just refused to travel to the island.

Sri Lanka is a country that has seen many wars and strifes and there are many who have survived to share their tales with us. I guess thats why they understood how Pakistan felt...... isolated!! When many other countries, India included, put their foot down and have refused to travel to Pakistan, Sri Lanka made a brave decision and a heartfelt decision and embarked on their journey. This is what they get in bargain? The authorities could certainly have done more to prevent such an event, no excuses can be accepted, however apologetic or genuine they may seem.

Various footages that have been released show the gunmen wandering as if it were a walk in the park. Could have this been possible without prior information? Muthiah Muralidharan and umpire Taufel have mentioned in the papers today their doubts, why did the Pakistan bus leave later than usual? These are things that have to be certainly looked into. It may all seem easy sitting in the comfort of our rooms and sympathising with all or even talk of action to be taken, but thats the least that we can do. We can voice an opinion and thats where our story of concern ends!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Apparent Lack of time!!

Despite the fact that I have loads of time in my hand, writing still seems to be taking the back seat. I plan to do alot of things on the comp and the minute i start browsing though some ridiculous and absolutely worthless sites I lose focus and forget to update my blog.

I read once that people who are the busiest seem to have time for everything because its all planned and well executed, whereas people like me tend to waste time and then claim to have time for nothing, what hypocrisy!!!

Another thought just passed my idle mind, why not take up a piece of world news (can be related to sport, human rights, politics.. anything really) and write my thoughts on it!! Doesnt seem to be a bad idea, this might infact give me an opportunity to look into other areas of interest for myself.

Let me start today itself, but not now, simply because I havent really read to through any article of interest yet. But maybe later in the day I can expect myself to write. Until then.....

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Changing Faces of My Life

The many facets and ever changing nature of life around is most remarkable and needs to be appreciated with a happy heart.

The above may seem to be a very vague beginning to a blog but thats what has been happening to me over the past two months. It was just 10 months back that I was an unmarried woman, leading the life of more or less a teenager (although its been eons since I was in my teens!!), stepping out of the house much against my parents requests to stay in one place for a period of half an hour. Then came the month of May when I decided that it was the ideal time to get married, June I was engaged (hooked), months of long distance courtship went without much hitches, December I was married( booked) and by January I was cooked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess this is the pattern for almost all and sundry but ME.. No one, most importanly myself, imagined that I would go through what every other woman (at a marriageable age) goes through. But its all been fun and enjoyment. Not one day seems to replicate itself, despite the fact that I've been at home in Mumbai for most part of my time spent in this new city that buzzes with activity all around. Sometime I've felt that my life is like these movies, where life goes all around you and yet the person who is viewing this remains stationery. This is bound to change, no doubt about that and so I've decided ( I made the decision a long time back actually) that I am going to enjoy this as long as it lasts. For, who knows when I might yearn for my life as a home maker again!!!

But there is one thing that I miss alot.. CRICKET.. Its been my way of life for the past 10 years and to abruptly stop it seems very odd to me. I keep thinking about the games I've played and the ones that have been etched in mind forever and that keeps me going. Also frequent communications with my colleagues makes sure that I am not entirely out of that circle. I dont intend to let it go that easily but there comes a time for everyone when they have to choose and my time is now. Its a hard decision but I've taken it with an astute mind and I intend to stick with it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Life Out Here In Amchi Mumbai!!!

The marriage bonanza ended, the cricket fever came down and now I'm where I'm where I am meant to be. In Mumbai, with my husband and being a 'home maker' (I hope that tag is there only for a few more months as a full time job description though!!!!)

But I have to accept something, I didnt really expect to fit into this role too well, but from my initial self analysis, I haven't been too bad. Cooking too has been rather palatable and that was something totally unexpected. Am quite proud of it myself.

But if Nikhil thought I would stop at this, he is wrong. I'm going to keep myself occupied by simply dishing out new cuisines for his ever inquisitive taste buds!!! :)

Now that I have enough time to pen my thoughts, lemme get serious about it and be happy. So heres wishing me lots of happiness while I blow my mind off writing!!!