Thursday, March 5, 2009

Breach of Trust

Lots of fervour about the terrorist attack on the Sri Lankan cricketers and why not? Its not everyday that sportpersons face the brunt of extremists. In fact, the faith that sports unites people of different races, cultures, countries, languages etc. has just been disturbed. One may wonder, whats so special about cricketers that an attack on them is generating as much noise as it has been over the past 3 days. To me its just one thing, trust has been breached, the trust that Sri Lankan players had. I guess for them its a similar emotion too, after all Australia was willing to forego its points in the '96 World Cup and just refused to travel to the island.

Sri Lanka is a country that has seen many wars and strifes and there are many who have survived to share their tales with us. I guess thats why they understood how Pakistan felt...... isolated!! When many other countries, India included, put their foot down and have refused to travel to Pakistan, Sri Lanka made a brave decision and a heartfelt decision and embarked on their journey. This is what they get in bargain? The authorities could certainly have done more to prevent such an event, no excuses can be accepted, however apologetic or genuine they may seem.

Various footages that have been released show the gunmen wandering as if it were a walk in the park. Could have this been possible without prior information? Muthiah Muralidharan and umpire Taufel have mentioned in the papers today their doubts, why did the Pakistan bus leave later than usual? These are things that have to be certainly looked into. It may all seem easy sitting in the comfort of our rooms and sympathising with all or even talk of action to be taken, but thats the least that we can do. We can voice an opinion and thats where our story of concern ends!!!

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