Friday, September 12, 2008

Back In the Helm

The weeks of boredom looks like it might come to an end. The 'season' is about to start and am back at the helm from the looks of it. While I'm certain I can do it, there are others who worry for my well being (more mental than physical).

As for myself, I have already started filling my mind with what is to be done and what is not to be done. I have been given back captaincy (thrust would be a better word though) with the hope that I can fare better than my predeccesor and more importantly, overcome my 2006 failure to lead the team to the nationals.

I already have a few butterflies in the tummy, self doubt and all those familiar emotions. But I have nothing to lose or fear. I will give in my best, as I always do, as a keeper, btsaman and captain and hope that everything falls into place and the victories keep coming.

There is nothing more heartening to see a well thought out win and its my sincere prayers that the decisions I make are correct (faults are to be expected, but I would like to keep them a bare minimum :) ) and followed to the tee.

Its with a lot of hope, speculation and confidence that I agreed to this. I know I have the support of most of the players, Nikhil, Urmi and a few others who believe in me.

I just wish that I live upto their expectations and most importantly my own......

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