Saturday, November 8, 2014

Dreaming BIG Again

Finally, I have sat down to do this. It been more than a year since I have written, but only recently did I even remember that I maintained a blog. That is how much I have lost touch with writing. I hardly take a pen nowadays and so writing has never crossed my mind. Yet recently, on my visit to Bangalore for course, where I had lots to write, the first thought that came to me was to write here on this page.

It's been a hectic 6 months and as much as I miss being at home and doing stuff and not doing anything, it seems like I have a purpose now. My baby is growing up and then one day she will be all big and independent and I didn't want to wonder then what I would be doing with myself. I have some kind of focus now and have again started dreaming of bigger things.

When I was a player, I worked hard on my dream to make it BIG in cricket and went about it very earnestly. In the process I made new friends, understood old ones and lost a few but I always told myself it was all for a dream, And when I couldn't fulfill my dream the only thought that I had was that I should have started dreaming earlier. So now I have started my dream again (and early enough I hope), what if I didn't play for India, I will one day coach the Indian Women's Team.

The course in Bangalore, about which I hesitated so much, opened my eyes and made me realise I have potential beyond just coaching Tamilnadu. It is a long road ahead and I am pretty sure it has a lot of dead ends and paths that lead the wrong way, sometimes a path that might make me want to stop chasing my dream. But I am determined more than ever to make sure that I give all my effort towards reaching my destination, even if it means falling every step of the way.

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