Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Apparent Lack of time!!

Despite the fact that I have loads of time in my hand, writing still seems to be taking the back seat. I plan to do alot of things on the comp and the minute i start browsing though some ridiculous and absolutely worthless sites I lose focus and forget to update my blog.

I read once that people who are the busiest seem to have time for everything because its all planned and well executed, whereas people like me tend to waste time and then claim to have time for nothing, what hypocrisy!!!

Another thought just passed my idle mind, why not take up a piece of world news (can be related to sport, human rights, politics.. anything really) and write my thoughts on it!! Doesnt seem to be a bad idea, this might infact give me an opportunity to look into other areas of interest for myself.

Let me start today itself, but not now, simply because I havent really read to through any article of interest yet. But maybe later in the day I can expect myself to write. Until then.....

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Changing Faces of My Life

The many facets and ever changing nature of life around is most remarkable and needs to be appreciated with a happy heart.

The above may seem to be a very vague beginning to a blog but thats what has been happening to me over the past two months. It was just 10 months back that I was an unmarried woman, leading the life of more or less a teenager (although its been eons since I was in my teens!!), stepping out of the house much against my parents requests to stay in one place for a period of half an hour. Then came the month of May when I decided that it was the ideal time to get married, June I was engaged (hooked), months of long distance courtship went without much hitches, December I was married( booked) and by January I was cooked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess this is the pattern for almost all and sundry but ME.. No one, most importanly myself, imagined that I would go through what every other woman (at a marriageable age) goes through. But its all been fun and enjoyment. Not one day seems to replicate itself, despite the fact that I've been at home in Mumbai for most part of my time spent in this new city that buzzes with activity all around. Sometime I've felt that my life is like these movies, where life goes all around you and yet the person who is viewing this remains stationery. This is bound to change, no doubt about that and so I've decided ( I made the decision a long time back actually) that I am going to enjoy this as long as it lasts. For, who knows when I might yearn for my life as a home maker again!!!

But there is one thing that I miss alot.. CRICKET.. Its been my way of life for the past 10 years and to abruptly stop it seems very odd to me. I keep thinking about the games I've played and the ones that have been etched in mind forever and that keeps me going. Also frequent communications with my colleagues makes sure that I am not entirely out of that circle. I dont intend to let it go that easily but there comes a time for everyone when they have to choose and my time is now. Its a hard decision but I've taken it with an astute mind and I intend to stick with it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Life Out Here In Amchi Mumbai!!!

The marriage bonanza ended, the cricket fever came down and now I'm where I'm where I am meant to be. In Mumbai, with my husband and being a 'home maker' (I hope that tag is there only for a few more months as a full time job description though!!!!)

But I have to accept something, I didnt really expect to fit into this role too well, but from my initial self analysis, I haven't been too bad. Cooking too has been rather palatable and that was something totally unexpected. Am quite proud of it myself.

But if Nikhil thought I would stop at this, he is wrong. I'm going to keep myself occupied by simply dishing out new cuisines for his ever inquisitive taste buds!!! :)

Now that I have enough time to pen my thoughts, lemme get serious about it and be happy. So heres wishing me lots of happiness while I blow my mind off writing!!!