Monday, January 11, 2010

A special new year

Its been ages since I've blogged and I can assure you that its not because of the lack of time, its quite the opposite. I've had so much time on my hands that getting down to writing seems to be a rather difficult task. Maybe thats why its better to be busy because that way we remember to do almost everything we've set out to do.

Anyway, this year is a mighty special one. The reason is of course my little one. I'm due in May and although I'm being very calm about the speed at which each day goes by, I constantly think about how life has so completely changed and all for the better. I find it so funny that I am to become a mother. I don't think I have gotten over the fact that I am a wife and already a mother!! It kind of freaks me out sometimes but I guess its all for the better and certainly for happier times ahead.

I keep wondering what Nikhil must be thinking too about his new role from May. Does he have any fears? Are there any questions in his mind? Although I must admit he felt more married than me right from the first day and so this too he must have accepted completely.

Well there yet another significant reason as to why this year is going to be special. Well my best friend is getting married and despite the fact that the wedding date is too close to my due date I know the little one inside understands that he/she needs to hold on so that I am able to enjoy this most awaited event thoroughly. When we were growing up I always imagined Urmi to be the first one to get married and have a kid and I hadn't even for a second contemplated my marriage or anything really. But its obvious that God ALWAYS has other things planned and we can never go away from a fated path. I have this tendency of being resigned to fate, be it something good or otherwise and so I accept everything that comes along the way with unchanged feelings. This in a way helps alot especially when things don't really go your way.

So a year full of good events and joyful moments, may this be there always, every year. :)