Monday, August 31, 2009

Ganpati Bappa Morya!!

These resounding words communicate the depth of love that the people in Mumbai share for this most adorable deity. In fact, goose bumps are a sure thing when one hears it from even a small group, for it comes straight from the gut.

This Saturday, which is the 7th day of the function and hence Visarjan, Nikhil and I decided to venture out. We chose a direction will be least crowded and we succeeded as far as traffic goes. But what captured our hearts was the kind of 'Bhakti' that we saw. Men, women and children, barefeet walk along with their deity to immerse Him in water. Ganesha is given a royal send off with people singing and rejoicing. They probably know, He is gone now but will be back next year and maybe they will give Him a grander send off.

I have half a mind of going on the 11th day of the Visarjan, the most special day, and watch from the sidelines of any beach, everything that happens. I am sure it will be the grandest thing I have seen, in relation to God. In Chennai too immersion happens but it is not even 1/10th of what one might witness here. They call that a crowd, then what say of the millions who are likely to be milling on all roads. No swine flu is going to keep them away, for they know that their Bappa will take good care of them. That is the faith that people have.

There have been many reports of how Ganpati and Ramzan celebrations have been happening side by side. Although it has been happening for centuries now, the need to mention it specially now is probably because of all the tension surrounding our dear country. 26/11 is fast approaching its one year anniversary and we are struggling to accept the harm that it has done to our psyche. Maybe Ganpati will provide answers with his immersion. Are we to immerse all hatred too, is there a lesson to be learnt?

All I say do is join in the chorus and proudly say Ganpati Bappa Morya!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Change in the way we think..

I went on a trip to London recently and as crazy I am about this country, India, I had to admit the logic behind people not returning back to their homeland after having worked or having had extended stays in countries such as UK, USA and other such places. So what makes it nice to be there, that is not here?? Well, the first thing that hits you, whether you've been there for 10 days, 1 month or however long, is how clean those countries are!! When we see garbage strewn all around us and we seem oblivious to it!!??!! How is that possible? By closing our nostrils for the moment we pass a garbage bin or by closing our eyes or most importantly, by closing our minds to it we wish to eliminate the truth of the constant stench surrounding us. No amount of room fresheners or agarbathis can freshen our polluted minds. We need to see all around us and feel sorry for the condition we live in. But instead, we are proud of it and showcase our slums to the world and end up making a movie out of it too. The second factor that appeals to the visitor is the fact that we as pedestrians are given utmost importance. Well, a huge truck waits for you to cross at the zebra crossing and that too with a smile on the face of the driver. You feel importnt crossing the road and makes you feel like how David would have felt when he defeated Goliath!! Whereas here, even when we have the right to cross, a motorcyclist would break the signal, hit us, cuss at us and then move on like we have stolen him of his few precious moments on earth!! But we move on, like thats how its meant to be. Don't get me wrong here and think that I have lost my fanaticism over India, thanks to a ten day honeymoon, no, thats not it. My question is, why cant we be like them and be proud of it. Its not sufficient if the world's financial markets envy us, we need to be proud of what and who we are. We can also have a clean country with law abiding citizens. How? By making a small change in the minds of us, educated people. If we try to do the simple things right and teach just one more person, we can make a difference. It is not impossible, its achievable and also within our lifetime. Those is in a position of power need to start working on making laws that people can understand and wont go out of the way to find loopholes. For instance, if crossing the STOP line is a fault, then start fining even the government buses, this will help the common man understand his liability too. As far as zebra crossings go, remember that our roads are filthy and black an white lines are impossible to see. Lets not ape the colour of the zebra, call it anything else and make it bright yellow or green, which everyone can see and would probably be scared to cross!! Lets start respecting ourselves as living beings first and try to improve our quality of life then I am sure our neighbours too would want the same for us and from there on there is only one way for us...and my guess is as good as yours.. :)